Casement Windows and Doors

NC 75 STH. Top energy saving and thermal insulation performance. NC 75 STH is the ideal system for living spaces of contemporary aesthetic taste aiming at low energy consumption. Large dimensions and thin profiles (but with excellent burglar-proof features) create very bright and comfortable living spaces. The strength, durability, sealing and acoustic insulation performance are all excellent.

Technical Features:

  • Base dimensions: from 75 to 95 mm
  • Air-water tightness: open joint(windows and casement doors)
  • Glass thickness: 14 mm to 68 mm
  • Aesthetic lines: Sagomata, Scomparsa, Piana, Raggiata, Classica
NC 75 STH Aesthetic Lines
NC 75 STH Opening Typologies

Let's Build Something

Just fill the form and we will be in touch with you to discuss your requirements.

You can also directly contact us:

39-40 B IDC, 2nd Floor, Main MG Road, Gurugram
Haryana - 122 001 INDIA

Mr. Abhinav Gaind : +91 8130 101 999
Mr. Karan Bhutani : +91 9818 392 020

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